Unexplained brain ailment baffles doctors in New Brunswick

Doctors in New Brunswick, Canada, are grappling with a scientific conundrum: a group of patients with similar, unexplained neurological symptoms. This unfolding medical mystery has become a political firestorm.

The story begins in late 2018 with Laurie Beatty, an 81-year-old who showed sudden behavioral changes. He became preoccupied with an old business, displaying confusion and disorientation. His condition rapidly worsened, leading to seizures and ultimately his death.

Dozens of people affected by an unidentified disease

Gabrielle Cormier, just 20 years old, is the youngest confirmed case in this cluster. Many others share her situation, suffering from a series of unexplained cognitive and physical symptoms.

A search for answers

This article explores the challenges that doctors, patients, and their families face as they search for answers and deal with the devastating effects of this unknown disease.

By Kathy D. Hawkins

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